
Aged Orange Peel |老陈皮 | Lao Chen Pi
Our Aged Orange Peel is from Guangzhou, Xin Hui. Xin Hui produces some of the best dried orange peels as they go through a lenghty aging process of several years. Aged orange peels are prized for their foral smell and their ability to dissolve phelgm and aid digestion. Store them in a dark and dry air tight container to continue the aging process and you will definitely be rewarded by the most fruity and floral smelling peel.

American Ginseng (P3)| 美国野山泡参 (P3)
Wild American Ginseng is a widely known precious herb. They are versatile and easy to prepare. The most popular way to prepare them is to slice them up thinly to be used as a tea or just eaten as it is. They improve the constitution and promotes mental alertness. Our most recommended way is to double boil them with other precious herbs, like cordyceps, and drink the nutritious broth to ensure maximum efficacy.

Angelican root| 当归头(Sliced)
Our Angelican Root are from Gan Su, they are plump, tender and full of Angelican Root fragrance. Angelican Root is best cooked with black silkie chicken as a heart-warming broth to maximise its benefit of nourishing the blood.
For a plant based option, black beans and walnuts and red dates can be paired with Angelican Root to be boiled as a soup or tea.
They are best for ladies, people with anaemia, lactating mothers and even the elderly.